Desktop Software

itwh GmbHSoftwareDesktop Software

Since the company was established, software development and software courses are an important part of our work. Our experience in the different fields of urban hydrology is extensive and helps us to provide state-of-the-art software. The link between software development and the engineering practice results in professional software matched to users’ needs.

Hydrodynamic sewer system simulations


HYSTEM-EXTRAN is the classic option for hydro-dynamic simulation of sewer systems: in the complete re-visited version 8 (among others) this […]
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HYSTEM-EXTRAN Modul LANGZEIT is currently only available in German. Mit LANGZEIT erweitern Sie Ihr HYSTEM-EXTRAN (ab Version 7) um ein […]
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HYSTEM-EXTRAN Modul Verteiltes Rechnen

Verteiltes Rechnen is currently only available in German. Mit dem Dienstprogramm Verteiltes Rechnen erweitern Sie HYSTEM-EXTRAN (ab Version 7.7) um […]
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Urban flash floods

Urban flash floods

Calculation of flooding through urban flash floods. The hydraulic simulation of the surface runoff in case of a canalization overload […]
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Simulation and verification of drainage systems


ATV-A138.XLS is currently only available in German. Regenwassertools zur Dimensionierung von Versickerungsanlagen
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GRUNDSTÜCK.XLS is currently only available in German. Für den Überflutungsnachweis außerhalb von Gebäuden nach DIN 1986-100:2016-12 und die Bemessung von […]
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KOSIM is a well-established and state-of-the-art rainfall-runoff model for continuous quantity and quality simulations on Windows platforms. KOSIM will be […]
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Graphical sewer system planning


GIPS is a Windows-based, easy-to-use graphical planning and information system for urban sewer systems. It is integrated into the leading […]
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GipsOI is currently only available in German. Nutzen Sie die Daten einer rechnergestützten Schadensbewertung für die automatisierte Erstellung von Schadensplänen […]
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With FOG you will get a comprehensive GIS-based information- and planning system, which operates within urban drainage (with HYSTEM-EXTRAN) and […]
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Evaluation and analysis of precipitation data


PEN-LAWA 2010 is currently only available in German. Praxisrelevante Extremwerte des Niederschlags
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KOSTRA-DWD 2000 is currently only available in German. KOSTRA-DWD 2010R: KOordinierte STarkniederschlags-Regionalisierungs-Auswertungen KOSTRA-DWD 2010R enthält die Starkniederschlagshöhen und -spenden nach […]
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Structural evaluation of sewer systems

On request


GESIM is currently only available in German. Mit GESIM erhalten Sie ein kontinuierliches Simulationsmodell zum Nachweis der Gesamtemission aus Kanalnetz […]
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CONTROL is a powerful rule-based software application for setting up realtime control/RTC (also known as sewer system management) on Windows […]
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