Service Overview

Consulting & Planning

ITWH is committed to develop customized solutions for our clients by working target oriented and with great determination. Due to the combination of advanced software development and the vast experience in the field of engineering services, we are able to perform in various fields of urban drainage engineering and stormwater management. Examples of our capabilities include:


Principle and Added Value of Radar Data in Urban Drainage and Water Management

Radar data provide precipitation information in high temporal and spatial resolution. 

Regenwasserableitung von Oberflächen

Surface discharge of stormwater and stormwater drainage

Because of frequent inundations, the analysis of potential flood impacts is gaining more and more of importance. 

Abwasserableitung im Kanalnetz

Wastewater collection in sewer systems

The hydraulic dimensioning of a sewer system is indispensable for an efficient urban and private drainage. 

Optimierung von Reinigungsprozessen

Optimization of wastewater treatment processes

Wastewater treatment plants are common practice in Germany.


Surface water quality

The demand for clean water as a resource is increasing. For this reason the EU Water Framework Directive strives for improvement of the ecological and chemical condition of all waters.


Flood protection

Floods are natural phenomena in the hydrological cycle. As we cannot avoid floods the goal is to limit their impacts in urban areas.

Integrale, systemübergreifende Ansätze

Integral holistic approaches

Often, three main working areas are identified in the urban water management. First the sewer system, second the wastewater treatment plant and third the water body.

Additional Services

Forschung und Entwicklung

Research & Development

Since the itwh GmbH was founded, strong efforts were made to interlink research and application of state of the art engineering.

Projektsteuerung und Beratung

Project control & consulting

By introducing working guidelines for sewer system rehabiliationage the public building authorities presented an extensive amount of guidelines concerning the quality assurance of sewage technology.


Object planning

All work stages from section 3 as well as from section 4 (according to HOAI, German fee regulations for architects and engineers) can be covered by the itwh GmbH in the fiels of civil engineering works, cover construction management and the coordination of health and safety.


Software services

Besides our own software we also offer customer-specific solutions for a variety of applications.


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